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Yan Ling

Title: Professor of Management
Office: 341 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-3286
Email: yling@oakland.edu

University of Connecticut, Storrs, Ph.D. Business Administration

Dr. Yan Ling joined Oakland University in 2018. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Connecticut.

Prior to teaching at OU, she was on the faculty at The School of Business, George Mason University. Ling's research focuses on strategic leadership and corporate governance issues, especially as they pertain to small- to medium-sized enterprises. She also enjoys studying the difference in business management across cultures. Her research has appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and other outlets.

Teaching interests: 
Strategic management

Research interests: 
Strategic leadership, small- to medium-sized enterprises, cross-cultural studies


Oakland University Founder's Day Faculty Award in Research, Oakland University, March 2023

SBA Distinguished Service Award, SBA at Oakland University, July 2022

SBA Spring/Summer Research Fellowship, SBA at Oakland University, July 2022

University Faculty Research Fellowship, Oakland University, July 2021

University Assessment Excellence Award - Assessment Committee Chair, Oakland University, April 2021

SBA Spring/Summer Research Fellowship, SBA at Oakland University, July 2020

Nominated for the 2019 Carolyn B. Dexter Award, AOM annual conference at Boston, MA., August 2019

University Faculty Research Fellowship, Oakland University, July 2019

Nominated for University Teaching Excellence Award, George Mason University, 2014

Excellent Reviewer Award, Family Business Review, , 2013

Nominated for University Teaching Excellence Award, George Mason University, 2013

Scholarly Impact Award at Journal of Management, , 2011

Finalist for Mason Emerging Researcher/Scholar/Creator Award, George Mason University, 2010

Finalist for Mason Emerging Researcher/Scholar/Creator Award, George Mason University, 2009

Journals and Articles:

Kang, J., Ling, Y., Barclay, L. (2024). Peer-To-Peer Guanxi and Unethical Practices: A Dynamic Examination Based on Cultural Change in China. Culture and Organization, 30(1), 83-101. 

Cai, L. , Gao, X. , Ling, Y. , Kellermanns, F. Governments’ New Policy Frequency and Firms’ Performance in an Emerging Industry: The Difference Between Family and Non-Family Firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 47

Wei, L. , Ling, Y. , Huo, Y. , Lin, H. , Chang, S. Founder-CEOs’ Procedural Fairness: How And When It Matters To New Venture Ambidexterity?. Journal of General Management. 40

Carmeli, A. , Ling, Y. , Wei, L. , Xia, J. (2022). Polychronicity in New Technological Venture Teams: The Influence of Founder-CEOs’ Tertius Iungens Orientation and the Implications for Venture Growth. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 1 - 13

Jiao, K. , Ling, Y. , Kellermanns, F. (2022). Does prior experience matter? A meta-analysis of the relationship between prior experience of entrepreneurs and firm performance. Journal of Small Business Management. 49

Ling, Y. , Hammond, M. , Wei, L. (2020). Ethical Leadership and Ambidexterity in New Ventures: Examining the CEO-TMT Interface. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 20

Ling, Y. , López-Fernández, M. , Serrano-Bedia, A. , Kellermans, F. (2020). Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation: Examination Through A New Conceptualization Lens. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 709–737

Ling, Y. , Wei, L. , Klimoski, R. , Wu, L. (2015). Benefiting from CEOs' empowerment of TMTs: Does CEO-TMT dissimilarity matter?. Leadership Quarterly. 1066–1079

Wei, L. , Ling, Y. (2015). CEO Characteristics and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Evidence from China. Journal Of Business Research. 1157–1165

Grosse, R. , Ling, Y. (2015). Competing in China: Introduction to the special section. Journal Of Business Research. 1145-1148

Ling, Y. , Baldridge, D. , Craig, J. (2012). The impact of family structure on issue selling by successor generation members in family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 220-227

Ling, Y. , Kellermanns, F. (2010). The effects of family firm specific sources of TMT diversity: The moderating role of information exchange frequency.. Journal Of Management Studies. 322-344

Powell, G. , Francesco, A. , Ling, Y. (2009). Towards culture-sensitive theories of the work-family interface. Journal Of Organizational Behavior. 597-616

Ling, Y. , Simsek, Z. , Lubatkin, M. , Veiga, J. (2008). The impact of transformational CEOs on the performance of small- to medium-sized firms: Does organizational context matter?. Journal Of Applied Psychology. 923-934

Ling, Y. , Simsek, Z. , Lubatkin, M. , Veiga, J. (2008). Transformational leadership’s role in promoting corporate entrepreneurship: Examining the CEO-TMT interface. Academy Of Management Journal. 557-576

Lubatkin, M. , Ling, Y. , Schulze, W. (2007). An organizational justice-based view of self-control and agency costs in family firms. Journal Of Management Studies. 955-971

Ling, Y. , Zhao, H. , Baron, R. (2007). Influence of founder-CEOs’ personal values on firm performance: Moderating effects of firm age and size. Journal Of Management. 673696

Lu, M. , Durand, R. , Ling, Y. (2007). The missing lens in family firm governance theory: A self-other typology of parental altruism. Journal Of Business Research. 1022-1029

Lubatkin, M. , Simsek, Z. , Ling, Y. , Veiga, J. (2006). Ambidexterity and performance in small- to medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration. Journal Of Management. 646 - 672

Lubatkin, M. , Schulze, W. , Ling, Y. , Dino, R. (2005). The effects of parental altruism on the governance of family-managed firms. Journal Of Organizational Behavior. 313-330

Ling, Y. , Floyd, S. , Baldridge, D. (2005). Toward a model of issue selling by subsidiary managers in multinational organizations. Journal Of International Business Studies. 637-650

Books and Chapters:

Ling, Y., Wei, L.-Q. (in press). Senior Leadership Team Composition, CEO–TMT Interfaces, and the Potential for Dynamic Capabilities. SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (pp. 30). England:.